And LO! So it came to pass, for it is written in times of yore. On the Seventh day He rested, and on the Six-Hundred-And-Sixty-Sixth day God created ANTI-BASTARD!
ANTI-BASTARD is a unique musical stew, far greater than the sum of its parts. A D-Beat-Crust-Metal supergroup, drawn together from the four corners of the Tyne (and Norway). One of them even has a driving licence. One-third of 'Sawn-Off' and two-thirty-ninths of 'Hellbastard'; ANTI-BASTARD is an elite unit of highly experienced sesh musicians, armed with really loud amps and a total disregard for the conventions of harmony and melody. They sound kind of like Venom having an awkward shite.
Fast bits, slow bits and as little melody as we can get away with. Radge as fuck heavy riff-punk.
ANTI-BASTARD will worm it's way into the hearts of the nation like a deadly parasite, draining your very soul of its vital lifesblood.
Take heed mortals!